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The Witcher 2 The nearly complete mutagen guide 19 posts 19 posts. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation Hate when they do that in RPGs.
User Info: Garudin. AP3Brain posted That's right all the tea - Family Guy. User Info: Crimson Phantom. Step 3 only use a GREATER mutagen step 4 work your way to the end of a skill tree, the skills with mutable qualities will have an open small circle step 5 when you have unlocked level 1 in them level 2 doesn't give any further bonus hover over the skill, press enter i'm pretty sure, or space, it says when you highlight it press "key" to mutate Step 6 In the screen here select the mutation you want again make sure its GREATER click on it and hit enter or space?
Concentration magic damage, not sure on the values because I have YET to get a greater one! I would assume 6 points increased per one Range magic spell range, not sure on the values because I have YET to get a greater one!
Vitality I would recommend against its only extra health User Info: PainMaker. Do all "mobs" drop them? Or only some, if so, which mobs? Dunno if this info is to be found somewhere else perhaps, but it would be nice to know, just in case I get the urge to farm them ;.
More topics from this board Can someone kindly help me with the Kayren Part? I tried Everything. Where do I find the drop box for Royal Mail in the River quest? The Witcher 2? General 3 Answers What is the best strategy for earning money? Please help. Build 4 Answers. Ask A Question. Global Leaderboards.
Why are there only two abilities, from the first top tree, but no mutagen slots for any other abilites, what do I do with these damn mutagens?
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Most mutagen slotted skills are near and at the end of the skill trees. You can combine then into stronger mutagens in the alchemy window. Combine 3 of like kind to improve them. Very few skills have a mutagen slot. You can check out the full list here [witcher.