What does vvv mean on facebook

The notes in these chords all come from the A natural minor scale. IV means scale 4,6 and 1. V means 5, 7, 2. V would be G, B, D. The Internet sends a vast amount of information across the world every second. For an enterprise IT team, a portion of that flood has to travel through firewalls into a corporate network. Unfortunately, due to the rise in cyberattacks, cybercrime, and cyberespionage, sinister payloads can be hidden in that flow of data passing through the firewall.

To prevent compromise, that flow of data has to be investigated and analyzed for anomalies, patterns of behavior that are red flags.

This is getting harder as more and more data is protected using encryption. At the very same time, bad guys are hiding their malware payloads inside encrypted packets. Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things right now. Or take sensor data. The more the Internet of Things takes off, the more connected sensors will be out in the world, transmitting tiny bits of data at a near constant rate.

As the number of units increase, so does the flow. You may have noticed that I've talked about photographs, sensor data, tweets, encrypted packets, and so on. Each of these are very different from each other.

This data isn't the old rows and columns and database joins of our forefathers. It's very different from application to application, and much of it is unstructured. That means it doesn't easily fit into fields on a spreadsheet or a database application. Take, for example, email messages. A legal discovery process might require sifting through thousands to millions of email messages in a collection.

Not one of those messages is going to be exactly like another. Each one will consist of a sender's email address, a destination, plus a time stamp. Each message will have human-written text and possibly attachments. Photos and videos and audio recordings and email messages and documents and books and presentations and tweets and ECG strips are all data, but they're generally unstructured, and incredibly varied. It would take a library of books to describe all the various methods that big data practitioners use to process the three Vs.

For now, though, your big takeaway should be this: once you start talking about data in terms that go beyond basic buckets, once you start talking about epic quantities, insane flow, and wide assortment, you're talking about big data.

One final thought: there are now ways to sift through all that insanity and glean insights that can be applied to solving problems, discerning patterns, and identifying opportunities. That process is called analytics, and it's why, when you hear big data discussed, you often hear the term analytics applied in the same sentence. The three Vs describe the data to be analyzed.

Analytics is the process of deriving value from that data. Taken together, there is the potential for amazing insight or worrisome oversight.

Like every other great power, big data comes with great promise and great responsibility. By the way, I'm doing more updates on Twitter and Facebook than ever before.

Big Data Cloud storage becomes the de facto data lake. While AI, IoT, and GDPR grab the headlines, don't forget about the about the generational impact that cloud migration and streaming will have on big data implementations.

Executive's guide to IoT and big data free ebook. Sadness is always that much sadder if you were expecting happiness. Major or Minor scale? C major and G major, along with their relative minor counterparts A minor and E minor, are often considered the best key and scales for Pop music.

You can use Major or Minor scales. Here are some easy keys for guitarists. Generally speaking, the easy keys are the ones with the fewest sharps and flats. C major, G major, D major, and the chording gets trickier as you progress through the circle of fifths. Guitars, however, are typically tuned in a series of ascending perfect fourths and a single major third. Blues guitar is not hard to learn, but it is hard to master. This one is pretty straightforward and if you want to let someone know how little you care, shortening the phrase to three letters really drives the point home.

Frank: Mate, I think you might be wearing your trousers backwards…. Often used to present a counter argument or interject with a dose of rationale, this is a widely-used term in text conversations.

Frank: Tbf, he worked like 14 hours overtime last weekend. Frank: Are we still going for dinner later? Whilst this combination of letters is more traditionally known to mean Automated Teller Machine ie. Jake: Watching Breaking Bad atm, will free you later. Get the latest on travel, languages and culture with our newsletter. We send it out once a month and you can opt out anytime. Home Welcome to EF. Programs See everything we do. Offices Find an office near you.

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