What bottles can you return for a refund

Click here for the B. Government's page on Beverage Container Regulation. At the time of purchase, Encorp charges a variable fee that covers the net cost of recycling that container. Return-It is not paid for by tax dollars, nor is it funded by government. It's paid for by all of us - consumers, retailers, beverage manufacturers and Encorp.

The Container Recycling Fee CRF is the fee Encorp charges to cover the net cost of recycling a beverage container type after any unredeemed deposits and commodity revenues for that container type have been used. The CRF varies for each beverage container category.

As a not-for-profit, product stewardship agency, Encorp Pacific only charges the net cost for recovering and recycling beverage containers. The CRF reflects the current economic conditions of the drop in commodity prices and beverage volumes.

When returning your beverage containers, leave the caps to ensure small plastic pieces are recycled. Beverage containers with our without caps are accepted at the depot, but whenever you can, leave the caps on or put them in your Express bag to ensure small plastic pieces are recycled.

If you put eligible containers in kerbside recycling, the refunds may go towards improved waste services in your area. Containers are collected and processed through a sorting centre in the ACT. Here they are categorised into valuable material types and ultimately, where possible, used as material inputs to other products.

Aluminium cans are melted into aluminium ingots which are then used to manufacture products such as new aluminium cans, engine blocks and aeroplane wings. Plastic Bottles are shredded, washed and reformed into new plastic products such as plastic bottles, pipes and textiles like polar fleeces. Place your eligible containers into durable slightly see-through bags, like the regular kitchen tidy bags you can buy from the shops. Maker sure your bag securely tied and will not break or fall apart.

Your containers need to remain in your labelled bag with your personal barcode in order for the depot to do the container count and provide your electronic refund.

Plastic bags are necessary so that when the containers are sent to the recycling depot, they can be identified as belonging to you, which ensure you receive the correct refund. If you prefer to avoid plastic bags you can take containers directly to the depots at Mitchell and Fyshwick where they can be processed on the spot. You can also receive the refund in cash at Mitchell and Fyshwick. Once your bags are counted, log into your on-line account where you will see the receipt for the entire bag you dropped off as well as the correct deposit refund.

The Express system also allows you to redeem and donate to charities. For all questions and concerns, you can contact our info desk. The depot operators are unable to assist or provide account information. Please contact Return-It directly at support returnit.

Register your interest in Want to know about our Loyalty Program? Need help? Save your containers Get collecting. Bring them to us Get returning. Earn a refund or donate Get your refund. Save your containers If your drink container has a 10c mark, bring it to us. Depots Walk in or drive through to get your containers counted, refunded on the spot and sent on to another life. Bag drops If you want your refund returned to a scheme ID, this is a convenient and contact-free option that means the money goes straight into your account.

Pop-up refund points Sometimes Containers for Change will pop up at events or locations — and you can get your refund there and then! Containers Accepted.

Eligible bottles and cans include all empty containers under one gallon that were sold in New York State for the following beverage types: Carbonated soft drinks Water Soda water Beer Malt beverages Wine cooler containers Containers must have a New York refund label to be redeemed. Container Limits.

Retailer Complaint. A return may be refused if: The store does not carry that type of container The container does not have a proper New York refund label The container is not in reasonably good condition, broken, or corroded The container holds anything other than small amounts of dirt, dust, or moisture If a store refuses to accept your container and issue a deposit refund, you can file a complaint with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Online File complaint against a store that refuses to accept your container and issue a deposit refund. By Phone. Clear lookup field Launch lookup modal. We're sorry, an error has occurred. There are no records to display. You don't have permissions to view these records. Error completing request.


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