Scrubs why do you hate me

Elliot Reid : Dr. Ran all those tests on Mr. Cox : Top-notch work, there, Barbie! She's good! She's very, very, very good!

Now, sorry, where were we? Cox : Well, Jo-Jo, right now she's winning. I'll do anything, even if it means I have to kill somebody! Cox : Well, you could start by getting the lightbulb out of this genius's pooper. Impress me. Elliot Reid : Yes, I'm happy! But I'd be happier if I didn't have to share the job with such a jerk! I can hear you.

Molly Clock : You guys, the situation would be perfect for my study. Everyone's gonna be anonymous, I'm only using initials. You'll be "J. Elliot Reid : Don't worry, I just came to check on my patients. Elliot Reid : You couldn't pay me to come over to your area. Elliot Reid : Well, you don't have enough money. Elliot Reid : [laughing] I know. Remember our first code?

Elliot Reid : That's the one. This, like, hanging out, you know? Elliot Reid : Me too. Elliot Reid : We're having coffee. The point is, we should Elliot Reid : J. After Elliot removes a sign with her fingers that he couldn't with a crowbar She has fingers like biceps. Why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love?

Who's gonna Share on Facebook. Edit Delete. Facebook Disqus. Scrubs Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes The best thing about this place is that when someone's really in trouble, all the pettiness melts away. Permalink: The best thing about this place is that when someone's really in


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