What injections should i get for thailand

Tetanus Contracted through the contamination of cuts, burns and wounds, is a potential issue across the region, and in places where medical care is limited.

Hepatitis A A liver infection spread through contaminated water and food that causes high temperatures, joint pain, nausea, jaundice and itchy skin among other symptoms. Yellow fever A serious infection spread through mosquito bites that can cause very high temperatures, vomiting, back pain and sensitivity to light. Is there a risk of malaria in Thailand?

What about other diseases? How do I get vaccinations for Thailand? Stay TravelAware Thailand is one of the UK's favourite travel destinations but which of these items can you not take into the country? Did you correctly guess which item isn't allowed into Thailand?

If you're planning a trip to Thailand, then consider a Post Office travel insurance policy. Travel Insurance. Travel essentials for your holiday Our ultimate list of travel must-haves. Embassy of the United Kingdom in Thailand. Barthelemy Saint Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia Saint Martin St. Pierre-et-Miquelon St. Book your visit online today! Tetanus — Wounds or Breaks in Skin — Recommended for travelers to most regions, especially if not previously vaccinated.

Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator. Yellow Fever — Mosquito — Required if travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission Japanese Encephalitis — Mosquito — Recommended depending on itinerary and activities.

Recommended for extended travel, recurrent travellers and travel to rural areas. Present throughout country, especially northern regions. Most cases from May to October. Rabies — Saliva of Infected Animals — High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-stay travellers and those who may come in contact with animals. Yellow Fever Mosquito Required if travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission Japanese Encephalitis Mosquito Recommended depending on itinerary and activities.

Rabies Saliva of Infected Animals High risk country. Schedule Your Appointment. You need to consult a doctor with expertise in travel medicine who can review your individual health issues.

Click here to make an appointment. Dr Deb Mills has a passion for medicine and travel. She is one of the pioneers of Travel Medicine in Australia. This means she and her team have the expertise necessary to ensure you get the best travel medicine care possible. Some areas of Thailand can experience smoke haze or increased pollution, especially during March and April each year.

This can aggravate conditions such as asthma, sinus conditions or bronchial problems. Those experiencing any issues or symptoms should stay up to date with local meteorological warnings and take precautions when pollution is reported as high.

Help can also be sought from local medical authorities. There is no risk of contracting Yellow Fever in Thailand, and you may be required to produce proof of Yellow Fever vaccination if you are arriving from a country with risk of Yellow Fever infection but this does not often include short transits through the airport, for example. If you have any concerns about the destination you will be arriving from, speak to the doctor about them during your appointment.

Call Us 02 Find Us. Open 7 days. Make an Appointment. Vaccinations for Thailand. Thailand and medical tourism Increasing numbers of Australians also travel to Thailand as medical tourists, and medical procedures in any foreign country carry their own set of risks. How up to date you are with the childhood immunization schedule Your travel itinerary while in Thailand and elsewhere on your trip Intended activities and style of accommodation Your general health and well being ahead of travelling Vaccinations required for Thailand Travellers to Thailand should consider getting vaccinated against the following diseases, and should ensure they are fully up to date with the Australian childhood immunization schedule, which will protect against some common preventable diseases, including hepatitis A, occurring throughout Thailand.


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